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National Parks of US Travel travel us

A day trip to Petrified Forest National Park

Want to see something unusual, so come on my friend on to a one-day trip to Petrified Forest National Park. The park has so much to offer to start with quartz-wrapped trees as old as 225 million years to badlands with colors ranging from orange/red on the northern side of the park to blue, gray, white, and purple in mostly in the central part. And finally to a gigantic deposit of petrified woods on the southern side. The Park is basically bisected by I-40. It’s in a stretch of 26 miles from the North visitor center(painted desert Visitor Center) to …

National Parks of US Travel travel us

Things to do in Saguaro National Park in a day

Saguaro National Park is located near Tucson in southern Arizona. It basically has two sides located around the vicinity of the city and takes about an hour’s drive(you will need a car to visit either side). Saguaro East is on the Rincon Mountains and the Saguaro West is on the Tucson Mountains. Saguaro National park holds the country’s largest Cacti, the Saguaro. They can reach a height of approximately 50 feet. Not only saguaro it is home to many different plant species such as Prickly Pear, Cholla, Mesquite, Palo Verde. We have America the Beautiful annual pass which is quite convenient …