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National Parks of US Utah

Things to do in Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in southwestern Utah, a magnificent place showcasing crimson-colored hoodoos that are spired-shaped rock formations. We were on a road trip to explore all the national parks in the state of Utah and Bryce Canyon National Park was the fourth one for us to visit. We were driving from Capital Reef National Park and it was during the late afternoon when we reached the park. Day 1 The first thing we did after checking in at the hotel was to go to the Visitor Center to gather maps and information to make the best of …

National Parks of US New Mexico Texas

A day trip to Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is, without a doubt one of the most mesmerizing marvels of nature. The park houses more than 119 caves which age back more than 20 million years. They are formed when the petroleum deposits under the Guadalupe mountains reacted with groundwater to form sulphuric acid which later created hollow spaces under the ground. And, eventually there started the filling of stalagmites and stalactites which still grows. We had planned the trips with our friends in the month of February. By looking at the close proximity of both the national parks we decided to visit both of …

California National Parks of US

A day trip to Joshua Tree National Park

It offers a stunning desert landscape with boulders and spiky Joshua Trees protruding out in unpredictable angles yet in symmetry. With its close proximity to southern California, we planned on driving to Joshua Tree National Park when our friends were visiting us for the holidays. If you are planning on visiting Palm Springs do keep it as an option, It’s a wonderful place to visit at least for a day. Because of its proximity, the national park attracts a lot of day-trippers, and we were one among them! The first place we visited was the Cottonwood Visitor Center, we inquired …

California Death Valley National Park National Parks of US

Things to do in Death Valley National Park

So much diversity in one place starting from mountains, salt flats, sand dunes, canyons, and many more. It holds the record for the hottest place on earth which was recorded in 1913, driest place in North America and is the lowest point in North America which is 282 feet below sea level. When I got to know the name of the national park for the first time, I truly was baffled. I for one was curious to know more about the park and well, it is now one of our favorites. We have been to the national park twice as …

National Parks of US Travel travel us

A day trip to Petrified Forest National Park

Want to see something unusual, so come on my friend on to a one-day trip to Petrified Forest National Park. The park has so much to offer to start with quartz-wrapped trees as old as 225 million years to badlands with colors ranging from orange/red on the northern side of the park to blue, gray, white, and purple in mostly in the central part. And finally to a gigantic deposit of petrified woods on the southern side. The Park is basically bisected by I-40. It’s in a stretch of 26 miles from the North visitor center(painted desert Visitor Center) to …

National Parks of US Travel travel us

Things to do in Saguaro National Park in a day

Saguaro National Park is located near Tucson in southern Arizona. It basically has two sides located around the vicinity of the city and takes about an hour’s drive(you will need a car to visit either side). Saguaro East is on the Rincon Mountains and the Saguaro West is on the Tucson Mountains. Saguaro National park holds the country’s largest Cacti, the Saguaro. They can reach a height of approximately 50 feet. Not only saguaro it is home to many different plant species such as Prickly Pear, Cholla, Mesquite, Palo Verde. We have America the Beautiful annual pass which is quite convenient …